Looking for calm and clarity amidst the maddening energy of Mercury retrograde? Crystals might hold the key.

Mercury, our planet of the mind and the mouth is once again slowing down and acting up.

Mercury’s retrograde is confusing in both name and application. Planets never actually move backward in space; they only appear to reverse from our vantage point here on Earth.

Mercury is the planet of connection, expression, media, technology, travel, and commerce. Known as a personal planet, its tricks and transits affect us more intimately. Because the realms that Mercury rules are so integral to our daily routines, we feel the effects of these retrogrades most acutely

The energy of the body is ever-shifting while the vibration of a crystal remains steady, rock steady if you will Amina – stock.adobe.com

How can we move with peace and purpose through Mercury’s melee?

Crystal healers Lauren Lauterbach and Courtney Cunningham, co-founders of Moon & Stone, are on hand, with amethyst in tit pockets to guide the crystal curious.

Lauterback and Cunningham tell The Post, “Mercury is officially in retrograde until August 27 which means conversations might start to take a bad turn at work or home, technology goes wonky, household items break, basically things overall… just don’t WORK! Or they don’t work out the way we want or expect them to.”

Mercury retrograde is a prime time to connect to and with crystals. Polina – stock.adobe.com

Lauterback and Cunningham explain that the body’s energy is ever-shifting based on our moods while the vibration of a crystal remains steady—rock steady, if you will. When we incorporate these materials into our lives, our vibration raises or lowers to match that of the crystals we work with.

To stabilize and energize during these trying times, Lauterback and Cunningham recommend the following power stones.

Smoky quartz

Smoky quartz dispels negativity. Andriy – stock.adobe.com

Lauterback and Cunningham recommend keeping a piece of smoky quartz in your pocket, purse, bra or underwear to keep chaos at bay. “Allow this crystal to connect you to Source, to ease your anxiety, and to bring you back to the present moment.” 

They explain that smoky quartz is among the most powerful and grounding of all crystals, supporting a deep connection to the earth while dispelling negative thoughts and limiting self-beliefs.


Labradorite aids and abets introspection. beachfront – stock.adobe.com

Lauterback and Cunningham ask, “Is the Universe serving you up a s–storm during this Mercury Moonwalk?”

If the answer is a resounding yes, get right with a piece of Labradorite, a magnetic crystal that’s a real boon when change is afoot.

Lauterback and Cunningham maintain, “Labradorite is exactly what you need to create a barrier from the energies of these few weeks. You can use it daily to set an intention or a wish that keeps your energy from being brought down.”

In addition, retrograde cycles encourage reflection and revision, and Labradorite aids and abets introspection.


Amethyst can clear the air and ease your mind. Minakryn Ruslan – stock.adobe.c

Purple can see you through the haze, folks.

Amethyst functions as a sort of tranquilizer, blocking negative energy, purifying the atmosphere around the wearer and supporting restorative sleep cycles.

Lauterback and Cunningham say, “Amethyst is the perfect crystal to help calm your nerves and bring tranquility to your night’s rest. Place it at your bedside to soothe and nurture your energy while you sleep. Wake up refreshed and positive. You’ve got this!”

Astrology 101: Your guide to the star

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports back on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture, and personal experience.


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