There’s a solar eclipse going down in the sign of the scales this week, folks.

On Wednesday, Oct. 2, at 2:49 p.m. ET, we will be feeling the feels of a new moon solar eclipse in Libra.

The brilliant astrologer Evan Nathaniel Grim of Inner Worlds Astrology tells The Post that the focus of this eclipse will be the examination and evolution of our most important bonds.

“The solar eclipse in Libra is definitely going to redefine people’s relationships,” Grim reveals. “It could be your best friend, it could be someone you’re going into business with, someone that you’re married to, someone that you’ve been dating for a long time.

“All of these relationships that depend on trust are changing and hopefully evolving to a new stage, specifically through the release of toxic tendencies.”

Grim notes that while last month’s full moon lunar eclipse in Pisces highlighted health and habits, this solar eclipse is squarely focused on building autonomy, accountability and resilience.

Solar and lunar eclipses correspond to the lunar nodes and the zodiac polarities. Currently, the north node is in Aries, and the south node is in Libra.

This week’s solar eclipse in Libra is the latest in a cycle of Aries-Libra eclipses that began in 2023 and will conclude in March next year. Aries/Libra is the axis of war and peace and the self versus the self in partnership.

The lunar nodes are not planets or celestial bodies but two calculated points that lie between the sun’s ecliptic and the moon’s orbit. Their position changes signs, cycling through the entire zodiac every 19 years.

Ruled by Venus and defined by relationships, Libra is the seventh sign in the zodiac. Vadimsadovski –

The lunar nodes are linked to the karmic, evolutionary path of the human soul — where we’ve been and are meant to go.

While the south node indicates past life patterns, the north node provides the framework for our soul’s work in this time-space reality.

“With the north node in Aries, we’re all learning to be more self-respecting and independent as we navigate relationships,” Grim explains. “We are learning to stand up for ourselves and set boundaries. We are learning how to navigate conflict much more effectively.

“This cycle is teaching us the art of conflict resolution, which can include letting go of relationships that don’t serve us.”

He adds, “We have to operate with integrity. We have to move through relationships with a steadfast sense of commitment.”

Grim maintains that we will experience the most pivotal changes between this October’s solar eclipse and the end of this cycle in the spring of 2025. See Grim’s horoscopes below to better understand how and in what areas of your life that change will transpire.

Aries could choose the path of the lone wolf over the domestic dog. LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS –

Grim explains, “Aries are determining who they can and cannot trust. This eclipse will put the spotlight on their significant relationships. It could coincide with some breakup or ending, but it could also bring someone in from a past life. It could give them a path to trusting someone in a relationship, but if they don’t trust the person they’re with or feel like there’s no mutual exchange, this is their exit ramp for letting that relationship go.

Aries might realize that they’re in the wrong relationship and focus on themselves a little bit more. They may choose a more lone-wolf approach that will serve them well in the long run.

He notes that this measuring and releasing can include personal and professional relationships, business or pleasure.

Bulls will be inspired to find better balance and embark on a new health journey. LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS –

Grim explains that for bull folk, this eclipse will highlight their sixth house of health, wellness, coworkers, and work projects.

“Since the fall equinox, Tauruses have been seeking greater balance in their day-to-day; they’ve also been in a more industrial mindset.

“This eclipse could transform their workflow, work process, and coworking relationships. Tauruses might have a busier eclipse season, during which they have to apply their skills in a very specific way. If a Taurus is off track with their health, they will start to set themselves on a different course.

For Geminis, sparks of the romantic and creative variety will define this eclipse. LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS –

“For Gemini, this eclipse is in the fifth house of creativity. Look for resets in your creative activities,” according to Grim. “You could definitely pick up an old project that you didn’t finish or resuscitate some creative pursuit that you’ve ignored for a while.

Some Geminis may go on a very pivotal date as the fifth house is about romance. There could be a karmic undertone to this date; it could be a flame from a past era of your life or a past life. Even if it’s more short-term, this relationship will definitely change Gemini’s perception of their dating life and kickstart a new era for them — romantically and creatively.

This eclipse highlights familial ties and home fires for Cancer folk. LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS –

As Grim tells the Post, “For Cancer, this eclipse shows them where they can establish trust in their families. They could even be signing contracts regarding property. If Cancers want to change where they’re living or even decorate their home differently, this is definitely an eclipse that will serve those goals.

“Cancers could have a totally new relationship dynamic within their families. With Mars in Cancer right now, some crabs could even get into some disputes with her family, to be honest. But, ideally, this eclipse will set Cancers on a new course regarding home, family, and property.”

Some big cats could be big into putting down stakes as a result of this eclipse. LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS –

“For Leos, this eclipse is centered around the third house and local travel, education, siblings, and neighbors,” Grim imparts. “Some Leos could take a pivotal trip or back out of one. Some could reconnect with a sibling or take a totally different approach to their educational journey.”

Because the third house is also the domain of communication, Grim shares that a subset of lions could find inspiration in writing projects.

Due to the influence of Venus on the fourth house, he suspects some big cats could be big into putting down stakes: “Leos could be focused on investing in property. I wouldn’t be surprised if Leos are looking at real estate right now.”

Virgos will be renegotiating their relationship to wealth and worth. LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS –

For Virgos, this week’s eclipse will highlight their second house of wealth and worth.

“Virgos are really focused on their finances and their financial goals. I think Virgos could claim a new salary during this eclipse, choose to work with their natural talents differently, and/or get a new job that makes better use of their skills,” Grim explains. “Virgos could also completely change their financial strategies, setting a new benchmark for how, and how much, they want to earn and spend.”

This eclipse is a major reset for the people of the scales. LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS –

Because this eclipse is happening in their sign, Grim explains that for Libra, “this is actually a letting go, period. It is a kind of a rebrand, a revamp, a reboot, and a redefinition by virtue of the patterns they’re releasing.

“Libras are learning to establish themselves more firmly in the world. By operating with autonomy and self-respect, they will find a partner or someone in their life who mirrors that self-awareness, self-understanding, and self-respect.”

Grim adds that Libras are more likely to preserve a union or enter into one than choose to leave one behind.

Scorpios could find release in rest and inspiration in dreamscapes. LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS –

For Scorpio, this eclipse highlights their 12th house of endings, undoings, and the subconscious mind.

“This is a very nebulous type of energy. Scorpios could reinvest in or see a change in their spiritual practices. They could draw upon insights that come to them through their dreams,” Grim says. “Some Scorpios should focus on resting and recovery; it does need to be a very active eclipse for Scorpios; they can take a backseat and just relax.”

Grim also notes that the ruminative influence of the 12th house coupled with the position of Venus could lead to scorpions “acting as a kind of a vessel for the divine and creating something out of that connection or focus on how their relationships can be more soulful and spiritually fulfilling.”

Astrology 101: Your guide to the star

Archers will experience this eclipse through their communities and social media connections. LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS –

“Sagittarius will experience this eclipse in the 11th house of friendships, communities and social media. Sagittarius could make a splash on social media, change how they create content, transform their network, or make a strategic connection that will benefit them,” Grim explains.

Some archers can expect “to experience a reset with some of their friendships; some friends could fall away, new friends can come in, and some could reunite or reconvene with a friend.”

This eclipse is affecting Cap’s 10th house of career and authority. LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS –

“I promise I’m not stereotyping, but this eclipse is really focused on their careers. Capricorns could be letting go of a job or transitioning into a completely different set of responsibilities within their job,” Grim says of sea goats. “Some Capricorns will also be focused on authority roles; they may take on a parenting role, or they could perceive their own parents very differently.

“Their relationship with role models is changing, and their responsibilities and careers are changing. Capricorns will be getting a new job or at least exploring the possibility of a new job.”

Water bearers should ready themselves for expansion of every kind. LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS –

Grim notes that for water bearers, Wednesday’s eclipse is eclipsing in their ninth house of education and expansion.

“For Aquarius, this eclipse could reset their approach to higher education. Some Aquariuses could choose to take a pivotal trip, especially abroad or overseas or cross country,” he says.

“The ninth house relates to the higher mind and our border perspectives on life, so some may transform their worldview. Because Venus is in their 10th house of career, some Aquarians may pursue a more creative career, integrate more creativity into their careers, or find more financial success.”

Pisces folk are urged to take a walk on the shadow side. LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS –

As Grim notes, “For Pisces, this eclipse is in the eighth house of shared finances, investing, physical intimacy, and shadow work. Some Pisces may be signing significant business contracts or looking to work with another company or person. Other Pisces could uncouple from someone financially, disconnecting assets due to some kind of divorce or dissolution. Others will reconfigure their financial objectives, focusing on investment or generating passive income.”

On the sexy and shady side of things, some fish “could explore intimacy and connection with a partner in a different way. The final manifestation of this eclipse could be shadow work. Some Pisces could be accessing and processing difficult memories that will ultimately set them on a powerful healing journey.”

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports back on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture, and personal experience. To book a reading, visit her website.


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