
How healthy lifestyle choices influence depression, dementia risk

A recent study examined how several lifestyle factors influenced late-life depression, dementia, and stroke risk.Results show healthier lifestyles were linked to lower incidences of late-life depression and also a reduced risk of combined outcomes including stroke, dementia, and late-life depression.Opting for a healthier lifestyle is better for brain health, which…

Type of fiber found in oats may help improve blood sugar

Consuming a diet with adequate fiber is associated with maintaining a healthy weight.An animal study recently investigated which form of fiber might be most effective.Beta-glucan, a fiber found in cereals and oats, came out on top.A new study using a mouse model of obesity concludes that a type of fiber…

Why some people are more resistant to cognitive decline

A study from MIT reveals new insights into the cellular and circuit vulnerabilities in Alzheimer’s disease.The study also identified factors that might help some individuals resist cognitive decline, such as key brain cells and diet.This analysis highlights the relationship between cellular responses and cognitive resilience, offering new avenues for treatment…

More people without diabetes use drugs for weight loss

Share on PinterestAn increasing number of people without diabetes are using GLP-1 agonist drugs for weight loss only. Image credit: MarkHatfield/Getty Images.The last few years have seen a marked increase in the use of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists (GLP-1 agonists) used for managing type 2 diabetes and as a way…

Excess belly and arm fat may increase risk

Neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease are increasing worldwide.Studies suggest that people with obesity are at greater risk of developing both Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.Now, a study has found that where the excess weight is carried may have a greater impact, with high levels of upper arm…

Moderate drinking brings no benefits

Moderate alcohol consumption has previously been associated with potential health benefits, including reduced mortality risk.However, recent research suggests that these findings were flawed and, compared to abstaining from alcohol, moderate alcohol consumption has no significant benefits for longevity. Experts are increasingly encouraging alcohol-free lifestyles and urging a shift in public…

Pesticides like glyphosate may increase risk for several types

Agricultural pesticide use in the U.S. is linked to various cancers as strongly as smoking cigarettes, a new population-based study shows.The study analyzed local records throughout the country to make the first national map of cancer risks associated with pesticide use.The authors note that as potentially toxic as individual pesticides…

For gut health, pick Mediterranean over Western diet, study suggests

Past research has linked the Western diet to an increased risk for several diseases. Researchers from the Teagasc Food Research Centre have found an association between the Western diet and an increased risk for both IBD and colorectal cancer by negatively impacting the gut microbiome. Scientists also reported the Mediterranean…

CBD may help fight UVA radiation to protect skin

Researchers have demonstrated that CBD may have potential protective benefits against UVA radiation, the type of wavelength that can cause aging and lead to cancer.A small study of just 19 participants showed skin treated with a CBD cream had less redness after exposure to high levels of UV radiation. Experts…

Study finds vigorous exercise may have lasting benefits

The brain is a delicate organ that experiences specific changes with age. Older individuals tend to be at a higher risk for developing dementia.Researchers are interested in finding what interventions can delay dementia or even improve cognitive function.A recent study found that high-intensity interval training, or HIIT, in older adults…

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