Le Pen’s advantage is seen as a positive development for Giorgia Meloni and the ECR’s role in the EU, according to Italian media.


Italy’s Prime Minister Giorgia Melonia has yet to made a public comment following Marine Le Pen’s right-wing party’s triumph in the first round of the French elections this weekend. Yet, other officials were quick to express their views.

The first to react to the news in Italy was right-wing Matteo Salvini, historically a political ally of Le Pen. He congratulated her while also taking the opportunity to criticise French President Emmanuel Macron.

Enrico Letta, a representative of the Democratic Party, Italy’s main opposition party, said the attitude of the Italian government in Europe depends on the outcome of the French elections, adding that the expected victory of Le Pen in the first round pushed Meloni to abstain in the EU summit vote to approve Ursula von der Leyen as the candidate running for re-election as EU Commission President.

Despite Meloni’s silence, reports in the Italian newspaper La Repubblica suggest that she would have preferred a clearer victory for Marine Le Pen in this first round of voting to destabilise power balances in the European Union. Meloni reportedly complained about being excluded from talks to decide EU top job appointments.

According to Il Giornale newspaper, Le Pen’s advantage is seen as a positive development for Meloni and the ECR’s role in the EU, which could favour her goal to secure a top Commission post for Italy.


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