Welcome to October, my babies! With a new moon solar eclipse in Libra on Oct. 2, a Jupiter retrograde and death daddy Pluto going direct in Capricorn midmonth, the spooky season does not deign to be easy or breezy this year.

We’ll spend the bulk of this month, through Oct. 22, under the velvet-clad, beauty as balm, romance as anesthetic influence of Libra.

Symbolized by the scales and balances, Libra is the only zodiac sign represented by an inanimate object. As the sign of partnership, Libra defines and expresses itself in and through its relationship with others.

This solar eclipse will be especially pivotal for the cardinal signs — Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. muratart – stock.adobe.com

While last month’s lunar eclipse in Pisces was a time of revelatory endings, the new moon solar eclipse in Libra on the 2nd could bring back and push forward people and themes from the past.

As the brilliant astrologer Evan Nathaniel Grim of Inner Worlds Astrology tells The Post, “This solar eclipse is conjunct the South Node, which is more of a releasing energy, more of a purging energy, more of a reflective energy.

“It’s not a Mercury retrograde, but because Mercury is conjunct the south node, it may feel like one. There’s a reevaluation of a partnership that may have ended or begun last October or last March,” Grim maintains. “We naturally have to let go because every beginning has an ending and vice versa. So I don’t think that people should not expect the eclipse to specifically be an ending or a beginning but rather a transition and a shift in perception.”

On Oct. 9, Jupiter — our drunk uncle planet of good luck and glad tidings — will begin his solemn four-and-a-half-month retrograde in Gemini.

Two days later, Pluto, our death daddy planet of transformation, shifts direct into the pivotal late degrees of Capricorn for the last time in our lifetimes.

The somewhat conflicting energies of Gemini and Capricorn could have us volleying between extremes in the weeks to come: the urge toward inner work and the urgent need to prove our purpose.

Mercury, the planet of the mind and the mouth, communion and mudslinging, will be in the edge-smoothing airs of Libra for the first part of the month. This transit encourages diplomacy and reason, lending conversations a level of refinement and a general feel of resolution over wrath.

It ain’t all courtesy and curtsies, however.

Mars, our planet of conflict and action, will continue to be a colicky baby b—h in Cancer, the sign of the planet’s fall. This transit signals a need to nest and, in some cases, that nest is made of driftwood, unprocessed feelings, buttons, doubts, decrepit stuffed animals, self-sabotage, frayed apron stings and anxious attachments.

The sun will be in Libra through Oct. 22. Sandra Kemppainen – stock.adobe.com

Mars in Cancer challenges us to wade through this muck and mire confidently, objectively and effectively. Resist the urge to blame and/or revert to teenage tendencies — and remember, when it comes to gas and emotion, this too shall pass.

Come midmonth, Mercury, the planet of the mind, and Venus, our planet of love and attraction, will both be slinking about with goblet in hand, boob out of silk robe and tracking device at the ready in the sign of Scorpio. All signs are likely to experience the effects of these transits, which can manifest as an increased desire to explore the taboo or a serious step into suspicion.

Venus + Mercury in Scorpio = haunted house energy, but spoiler alert: that house is your own dark heart.

When the planet of love finally climbs out of the coffin and into the arrow quiver of Sagittarius on Oct. 17, what once seemed heavy may yet transmogrify into the hopeful.

Also, on Oct. 17, we welcome the full hunter’s moon in Aries. This dense concentration of firepower can easily translate to shooting off at the mouth, arguments and anxiety.

Neither archers nor rams are noted for their delicacy or tact. Thus, under the sharp light of this moon, sacred silence and self-inquiry trump explosive expression.

On the 22nd, the sun moves into the carnal cave of the scorpion, setting the stage for stillness and reminding us of the rewards reaped from going in and digging deep, clawing for truth and source until our eyes cross and our blades find the pain of paydirt.

Read on to see how the weeks ahead will affect your sign. Good luck out there.

For those born under the horns and hellfire of Aries, relationships take center stage. This month is a culling call for rams, helping them determine who can be trusted and who should be exiled from their immediate circle. Choose wisely and cut compassionately.

Pluto will make its final move into Capricorn this month.

For bulls, the sun in a fellow Venus-ruled sign lights up their sixth house of habits and health. In-kind, those born under the sign of Taurus are advised to seek a work-life balance that better serves their professional and personal selves.

For Geminis, the sun in a fellow air sign breathes fresh life into their fifth house of romance, creativity, pleasure and play. The people of the twin are encouraged to bask in beauty and indulge their urge to express themselves through art and the fine art of flirtation. 

For Cancer folk, Libra season highlights themes of home, ancestral trauma, apron stings and root systems. Crabs are encouraged to spruce up their domiciles and give a little more grace to their immediate family members. Paint a wall, build a bridge and get it on in the kitchen. Let domestic bliss be the bedrock for encompassing joy.

Big cats can make big strides when it comes to communication and comprehension. Leos are encouraged to speak less than they listen and welcome every chance encounter as an opportunity to expand their understanding of the kaleidoscopic, interconnected human experience.

For Virgos, Libra season spotlights the area of their chart related to wealth and worth. The people of the scales would do well to remember that thinking or speaking poorly of themselves has a direct effect on their ability to attract wealth of every kind.

Their hallowed birthday season is prime time for Libra folk to branch out, grow up and change form. All this aforementioned expansion is best found through hard questions, honest self-reflection and risks that feel both terrifying and necessary.

The full hunter’s moon in Aries falls on Oct. 17. Getty Images

For Scorpio, Libra season heralds a time of deep healing. As the last gasp before spooky season reigns supreme, Scorpios are advised to draw inward and resolve issues that prevent them from feeling fulfilled or fully themselves.

For archers, Libra season lights up their 11th house of community. Party with purpose in the weeks to come, Sagittarius, and aim to connect deep and true with others who have common goals and unexpected perspectives.

Libra season hits the 10th house of aspiration and acclaim for sea goats. Capricorns are encouraged to focus their forces on their long-term career goals. Plodding and plotting are your best bet for bridging the gap between what you have and what you deserve.

For water bearers, the sun in a fellow air sign equates to high minds, lofty ideals and spiritual pursuits. Aquarians are encouraged to reach up and dig deep in the development of their highest selves. The time is nigh for a sound bath, hypnosis treatment, microdose session or gentle revolution.

Astrology 101: Your guide to the star

Libra lights up Pisces‘ eighth house of sex, death, shared resources and regeneration, ushering in a season of transformation. Fish folk should focus on enriching emotional connections and financial interests, intimacy and interest rates, babies!

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture, and personal experience. To book a reading, visit her website.


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