Cue the collective groan; Mercury retrograde is back with the hijinks, the low blows, mishaps, regrettable texts and resurrected exes.

But wait — you implore with a tone of exasperation and a head full of snarls, didn’t we just go through a Mercury retrograde a few weeks ago?

In short, yes.

As the fastest-moving planet in our solar system, Mercury goes retrograde three to four times a year. When you factor in the shadow period of the retrograde—and as a recovering goth kid, I always consider the shadow—we spend up to six months a year at the mercy of Mercury’s slow-down showdown.

Mercury in retrograde isn’t the “end of the world.” Getty Images/iStockphoto

Mercury for the Romans or Hermes for the Greeks was the messenger of the gods whose communicative route spanned from the ambrosia-suckling peaks of Mount Olympus to the maiden-snatching depths of the underworld.

As with heartaches, foul weather and kidney stones, this too shall pass.

Similar in scope, the influence of Mercury can serve the lower modes of gossip and slander or the better angels of poetry, karaoke, understanding and universal human communion. 

Let’s take a quick look into what Mercury retrograde does in this easy guide, complete with retrograde dates!

What happens during Mercury retrograde?

Mercury is named for the wily god of messaging. zwiebackesser –

Mercury is the planet of communication, the mind, the mouth, connection, expression, media, technology, travel, and commerce. It is the fastest moving celestial body in our sky, second only to the moon.

Due to its proximity to Earth and influence upon it, Mercury is known as a personal planet. Because the realms that Mercury rules are so integral to our daily routines, we feel the effects of these retrogrades more acutely.

A planetary PSA; planets do not move backward in space, they merely slow their proverbial rolls, a deceleration that looks like a reversal from our vantage here on beautiful, broken planet Earth. This is due to the speed of Earth’s rotation and the planet’s distance from us.

While the Earth is not the center of our solar system, it is our center of perspective. It may seem curious that what amounts to an optical illusion can significantly affect we mortals, but as ancient cultures understood and modern mayhem maintains, as above, so below.

What are the stages of a Mercury retrograde?

Mercury retrogrades in one, and sometimes two, zodiac signs. peshkova –

Mercury retrograde has several stages. Each one is important, as it helps us better understand the journey we will undergo.

The first thing to note when assessing a Mercury retrograde phase is understanding which zodiac sign it falls within. Sometimes this can even be two zodiac signs! The themes and what that zodiac sign rules will be reviewed collectively. Also, if you have your natal chart, you can check which house the retrograde falls within.

From the moment that Mercury crosses the degree where it will eventually station later on at the end of the official retrograde cycle, it begins the first period called pre-shadow or “retroshade” (for people looking for a more modern term). It will slow down little by little until it is barely moving a degree a day.

The s–t storm cometh

From the day it turns retrograde until the day it turns direct, this is the official Mercury retrograde period that people most often refer to. It lasts for about three weeks. NASA

When Mercury officially freezes within the sky, we give it the doom-laden name “the storm.” This takes place twice—the day it turns retrograde and the day it turns direct. The day before, the day of, and the day after are all part of this storm energy, and it’s when things are extremely chaotic and confusing.

You can’t see the forest through the trees or the stars through the cosmic debris.

From the day it turns retrograde until the day it turns direct, Mercury is in its official retrograde period, a period that generally lasts about three weeks. This handful of weeks is when everything that was slowing down and causing confusion in the pre-shadow calls for review.

Frustrations, delays, obstacles and exhaustion guaranteed.

After Mercury turns direct and undergoes the second storm, it will gradually regain speed day-by-day until it crosses the degree it initially stationed retrograde in. This is called the post-shadow phase or, again, “retroshade.” Everything that broke down during the pre-shadow and retrograde will finally become clear as you sort out a better path forward.

What is good about Mercury retrograde?

If you can weather the communication woes of Mercury retrograde, your relationship might emerge better than ever. Mego-studio –

Astrology is not malevolent but it is momentous, pushing us forward, oft uncomfortably, towards personal evolution.

In kind, and in cruel to be kind, Mercury retrograde phases are not here to destroy you or create problems. Rather, retrogrades help you slow down and review, reassess and reorganize. That is why people, situations, and projects from the past reemerge for our consideration.

The boon of all of this is that we may realize we want to fine-tune our plans or reunite with a person or situation. If not, it can also clarify this for us so we let it go and learn the lessons once and for all.

What is difficult about Mercury retrograde?

The planet Mercury crosses in front of the sun in this photograph. Getty Images

Mercury retrograde is not an ideal time to make agreements, start relationships, get hitched, swear a blood oath, buy real estate or sign contracts.

If you do, what you initiate will eventually fall apart because the bedrock is rocky AF. It is also not a wise time to make major purchases, start a new job, or make a life-altering decision.

If at all possible, practice patience.

In addition, anything with moving parts may crumble, whether it’s a car, computer or a romantic relationship.

Delays and obstacles are likely, and while inconvenient, they may free up your schedule and benefit you in the long run. For the weeks that the trickster planet is slow, your best bet is to lie low, breathe deep, and hydrate excessively.

As with heartaches, foul weather and kidney stones, this too shall pass.

Mercury retrograde dates 2025 to 2030

Mercury is the planet of communication, the mind, intelligence, connection, media, technology and commerce. AFP via Getty Images


  • March 14, 2025 – April 7, 2025. It starts in Aries but ends in Pisces.
  • July 17, 2025 – August 11, 2025. It happens in Leo.
  • November 9, 2025 – November 29, 2025. It is initiated in Sagittarius but calms in Scorpio.


  • February 25, 2026 – March 20, 2026. It takes place in Pisces.
  • June 29, 2026 – July 23, 2026. It swims through Cancer.
  • October 24, 2026 – November 13, 2026. It stirs the depths of Scorpio.


  • February 9, 2027 – March 3, 2027. It begins in Pisces but ends in Aquarius.
  • June 10, 2027 – July 4, 2027. It starts in Cancer and ends in Gemini.
  • October 7, 2027 – October 28, 2027. It dawns in Scorpio and retreats to Libra.


  • January 24, 2028 – February 14, 2028. It sleeps in Aquarius.
  • May 21, 2028 – June 13, 2028. It occurs in Gemini.
  • September 19, 2028 – October 11, 2028. It happens in Libra.


  • January 7, 2029 – January 27, 2029. It appears in Aquarius and then finds solace in Capricorn.
  • May 1, 2029 – May 25, 2029. It happens in Taurus.
  • September 2, 2029 – September 24, 2029. It dawns in Libra and awakens in Virgo.
  • December 21, 2029 – January 10, 2030. The cycle resides within Capricorn.


  • December 21, 2029 – January 10, 2030. It happens in Capricorn
  • April 12, 2030 – May 6, 2030. It begins in Taurus and ends in Aries.
  • August 15, 2030 – September 8, 2030. It occurs in Virgo.
  • December 5, 2030 – December 25, 2030. It cycles first in Capricorn and returns to Sagittarius.

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture and personal experience. To book a reading, visit her website.

Kyle Thomas is a globally recognized pop culture astrologer who has been featured in “Access Hollywood,” E! Entertainment, NBC & ABC television, Cosmopolitan Magazine, Hulu, Bustle, Elite Daily, Marie Claire and more. He is known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, business executives, and prominent influencers. His work harnesses the power of the stars in regard to entertainment lifestyle and trends affecting people worldwide. For more information, visit


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