Northern and central capital and urban regions have the highest rates of highly skilled people, while the lowest shares were reported in southeastern Europe.


According to Eurostat, there are about 80 million high-skilled workers in the EU, or 44% of the workforce aged between 25 and 64.

Workers in this category include managers, technicians and employees, in general, who make a living out of some specific knowledge or experience.

The EU’s capital and urban regions have the highest rates of highly skilled people.

The highest concentration of such talents was reported in northern European capital regions.

Stockholm took top spot with a share of 74%, followed by Utrecht in the Netherlands (69%), Luxembourg (67%) and Belgium’s Brabant Wallon along with Copenhagen and Prague at around 66%.

Rural regions and former industrial heartlands have the lowest percentages.

There were 24 regions in the EU where highly-skilled employed individuals accounted for less than a third of total employment.

They are mainly located in southeastern European countries such as Greece, Romania and Bulgaria.

The lowest shares of highly skilled workers were recorded in the Greek regions Sterea Elláda/Central Greece (21.8%), the Ionian Islands (22.3%) and in the Romanian region of Sud-Muntenia (22.8%). 

Video editor • Mert Can Yilmaz


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